Talk to your body!
Your body is not a fat suit or a bag of bones. Stop beating yourself up. Stand naked (Yes, naked!) in front of a full length mirror and stare your body down. Talk to your body and say, "I accept you because you carry me through each day. I promise to never put you down and to treat you with care and respect and despite what anyone says about you, you're my body and I love you, flaws and all." Feel free to develop a more personal mantra that will aid you in accepting your curves.
Buy and Wear Clothes That Fit the Body You Have NOW!
You have to own the body you have now and not the one you used to have or want to have. Go through your closets and get rid of all the things that no longer fit you. If it's too small, toss it. If it’s too big, toss it. When you take the right steps to obtaining a positive body image you have to buy clothes that fit you and make you feel as if you're the hottest woman in the entire world. No matter your size, as women we don't feel good in clothes that are too tight or clothes that are too big. After cleansing your closet, take the time to find out your measurements and your shape. Utilize the Internet and go on fashion sites like to find the best styles that work for your body type. Not your size, your body type. Those are two different things. Women can be the same weight and have two completely different shapes. Once you find out what yours is go out and buy yourself some new clothes to go with your newly found love for your curves. There are loads of plus size and normal designers, boutiques, and a few retail brands that have stylish clothes for your curves.
Surround Yourself with Positive People
If you have friends and family members who constantly use your weight as the topic of conversation then it's time to send them to the backseat. No one needs negative people in their lives. If you have a man that constantly puts you down because of your weight or you find yourself trying to lose weight to make him happy then it's time to let him know it's a new day and you're are no longer going to accept the negative comments from him. Young girls, that goes for your friends too. If your friend can't appreciate you for who you are and what you look like, then it's time to trade them in for a new set of friends. When someone really loves you and cares about you they will only do things to lift you up and make you better yourself. So make sure you're surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself.
Don't Wait to Lose Weight to Live the Life You Want
Don't wait to lose weight to live the life you want. It is still important to maintain a high quality of life for yourself if you've gained some unwanted pounds. You must press on and live your best life no matter what. If you want to go to the beach in a swimsuit, then do it. Don't wait to lose weight to do it. If you want to rock a body con dress, throw on your Spanx (or not) and just do it. It's important to live your life because it’s the only one you have. You don't want to look back and say I missed out in something or didn't do something because you allowed your weight to hold you back. Take the necessary steps to do what you need to lose the unwanted pounds if you choose to. Don't allow your weight to dim your bright light. Live today like it's your last. Love your plus size body. It takes time to develop self confidence and appreciation for your curves.
Be realistic about your size
Clothing size is only relevant as a reference. It is an international language that we use to figure out what will fit you, nothing more. Most sales people want to see you leave with clothing that looks good on you. Give them the correct size so that they can help you. In the long term buying clothes that are too small is self-sabotage. Think of it as trying to pour 2liters of water in a 1liter bottle. It doesn’t make sense.
Teach people how to perceive your body
There are some people who make a sport of making fun of curvy people. Take a step back and see them for the insecure people they are. A content, fulfilled person sees others’ beauty. Family members and good friends are included. They may think that they have your best interest at heart. Be compassionate and educate them. If this doesn’t work, pull out the zinger that helps them understand that you don’t find them that perfect either.
And here's a little something to look at; let's start creating positive images now sweethearts! ;)

So if you're reading this and you're a plus size, please and please embrace and love your body. Remain Beautiful!
tanx a lot for the invitation :), following right away and pls follow mine too.
I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
I didn’t see a follow widget on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
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Oh...and about this post....sound advice to all.
*off to buy a full length mirror*
lol @kaynna, u look great kay,
tanx Cov!*hugs*
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